And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~ Kahlil Gibran

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Day Before

Tomorrow my house will slowly fill with the tantalizing aroma of roasting turkey. Mr. Barefoot will get up early to spend the morning hours slaving away in the kitchen to provide our extended family with a Thanksgiving dinner that can't be beat.

As more and more people walk through the front door and cram their bodies into my house, the heat and noise will rise. I will most likely take refuge in the work room off the back of the house, and listen to the chatter from there. My Grandmother will eat barely enough to keep a fly alive, and I will entertain myself by taking advantage of her memory loss and repeatedly putting fresh plates of food in front of her (she won't remember that she already "ate", and I can get a few more calories in her this way).

The kitchen counters will groan with the weight of all the turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberries, green bean casserole, etc, etc, etc. WE will groan with the effects of stuffing ourselves.

Then, after the last drop of gravy has been scraped off the last plate ~ after the last dollop of real whipped cream has been licked off the last clean fork in the house I will break out the x-mas decorations and work long into the night to transform our humble Barefoot Manor into a x-mas Wonderland.

But today I will rest. Today I will enjoy the last moments of quiet before the Holiday Chaos descends on my home. Today I will enjoy a long nap, and later watch
Biggest Loser with a plate of leftover pasta on my lap.

Life is good....


Deb said...

Oh I wish I had your resolve for Christmas decorating!

jenny said...

Happy Thanksgiving dear! xoxo