I know, all of you are looking at that and saying to yourselves: "What in the world is that goofy looking thing? She is all proud because she made a rectangle with multi-colored yarn and some plastic canvas? Yeah, she is definitely losing it."
But wait! You don't even know the cool part about it.
See, I had made a crochet hook case a few months ago that I really didn't like. I had crocheted it, and didn't think through the process and what I needed very well before hand. First off, the smallest hooks kept slipping through the holes in the fabric. I don't care how tight you crochet, hooks intended for thread crochet will slip right through fabric crocheted with yarn and yarn hooks. It is just a fact of life. Second, it was designed with just two pouches on the inside to hold the hooks and various items I use for my projects. It quickly got really frustrating to have to shift through ALL of my hooks to find the right size. Thirdly, it quickly lost shape, and the stuff kept sliding out the sides where the flap didn't hold very well.
So I made a different one, this time addressing all the above issues. See?
There is a handy~dandy little spot for my tiny little scissors, and I crocheted a "swatch" to keep my needles for weaving in ends. I have a few different sizes for the different types of projects I do. And you will notice that all my hooks are lined up all pretty. This portion is for my steel hooks that my Grandma gave me. The pic is a little blurry. Sorry about that, but I am a shaky kind of gal.
When you open it up all the way, there is room for all my aluminum hooks (most of which were given to me by my other Grandma), and when I lift the "swatch", you can see the pocket I have for a little ruler and combination gauge checker/ hook sizer.
I absolutely love it. It opens and closes like a book, and all the hooks are secured with elastic. I figure that if my hook collection grows (I still don't have the super huge or super small hooks, just every size between 10 and N), I can just cut the stitches holding the "hinges" of my book and add another leaf in there. You can't really tell, but I made flaps on the sides of the top so that when it closes it looks just like a little box about the size of a check box.
OK, now that you know that I haven't lost my mind you may all proceed with the congratulations on my super cool little crafty~thingy. ;)
Wow! I link away from your blog to check out some of your favorite blog links, and when I come... look what you've made!! That really is COOL!
Love the colors, love the design, love the fact that the little scissors are folded and out of reach of you on Anti-Sprout days!
Good going!!
Dang, I LIKE your hook holder! Looks better than the vinyl one I've got. (Took me 5 tries to spell vinyl correctly, damn!)
Anyway, what an awesome job! You should make extras. *grin* Like, to sell to other crafters & such!
Wow Barefoot, I'm Impressed! Did you design that all by yourself? It's wonderful. So much prettier and more user friendly than the plastic pencil case all my crochet hooks are in.
Thanks, everyone.
Yes, I designed it all my myself. It took a lot of trial and effort to get it right, and I still don't have things lined up the way I wanted...I would have liked having all the hooks lined up from smallest to largest. Oh, well.
I love anything to organise bits & bobs, so this makes me very happy to see, lol.
I'm impressed too.
Welcome, Mon! Pull up a chair and stay awhile...
Digging on your blog, by the way.
WOW How awesome is that?! I need to make one for myself!! What material did you use?
Oh never mind! Lol had to read over it again! How is it holding up?
Sorry for the late reply... It's holding up great! I still use it all the time, and it goes everywhere with me...
is there a tutorial for this crochet hook case? if not yet, will u be doing a tutorial? or heck, even selling the pattern?
sillver11@gmail.com...pls let me know
Just lovely. Would love to make these as Christmas gifts
Wonderful case. I'm a knitter, but I would love a case like this. I also love to see cross-crafting- it makes me happy. I'm PC crafter as well.
I love this crochet hook case. Is there a pattern you created for it? If so can you please email me the link to it at lunalynda71842@gmail.com amd I will try to keep checking back here for any comments on my post. Thank you.
Is there a pattern for this crochet hook case? If so, please let me know how I can find it. Thank you
Need pattern
Was a pattern ever made?
I love the finished product. Do you have the pattern for it? I would love it. Thank you for publishing it. Vixen fox
Love it. Do you have a pattern? orielandry@gmail.com
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