And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~ Kahlil Gibran

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The End of an Era

I just found out that the Case Manager for Job #2 is leaving her position. She was also my boss at The Most Incredibly Wonderful Job Ever.

I never realised how comforting it was to know that she was there continuing the work that we shared for those few years that I was able to work with her. Somehow, it felt like as long as she remained I could continue to dream of going back to the place I was most happy. I knew that whenever I needed a dose of advice or a pep talk, she was there. Every time I walked in the door I was welcomed with open arms, a job offer, and an invitation to pull up a chair and recapture the joy I felt while working at the Day Center. All that will change now.

I have been weepy about it all day.

She taught me so much about having a passion for life and the work you do. The skills and ideals that she shared with me affect my life still, and I am so proud to be able to say that I worked with her. She helped me become who I am today. I still hear her voice in my head while I work with my current clients, encouraging me to find their strengths and help them build on them. I think of her when I become frustrated with my work, and how her dedication never flagged no matter how difficult the client or staff.

It seems selfish and stupid to get so emotional over someone quitting a job at a company I no longer work for. In a sense, though, this is the ending of a dream. I have always believed that when I got things under control here at Barefoot Manor I would be able to go back to work for her, doing the work that made me so happy. I may still be able to go back to the position, but it won't be the same. I cannot believe that any other Director would have the same passion and dedication to their work that ex-boss showed.

I am happy for her, I know she will move on to do more amazing things. I am just sad for myself. I have given my current boss notice that I will be taking the day of her going away party off so that I can attend.

It's the least I can do to honor the ending of an era.

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