And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~ Kahlil Gibran

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New (School) Year's Resolution

K, so you have probably gotten the impression that I am not too pleased with Big Sprout just lately. Between her attitude and some habits that I have been less than vigilant about breaking she is causing quite a bit of stress in my little barefoot mind.

So here is the deal. I am bound and determined that this year we are going to get back into our routines. Last year, for various reasons, I didn't keep up with the daily routines that worked so well for us before. Homework will be done as soon as she gets home from school. I will be checking her backpack every day for communications from her teacher. She will be cleaning up after herself. She will be in bed at a reasonable hour. Meals will be eaten at the table (this means the WHOLE FAMILY). Toothpaste will no longer be left capless, and the sink will be wiped out every day.

I am so ANGRY at myself for letting these things slide. Working like a madwoman is absolutely no excuse. Two years ago I had nifty neat little lists hanging around our apt with cute little pictures on them. I put them in page protectors (a la Flylady) and gave Big Sprout a dry erase marker so she could mark off each thing as she completed it. Not that the lists were hard. It was stuff like "brush your teeth" and "make sure all your dirty clothes are in the hamper". Simple, you know?

But the thing is, it worked SO WELL. I never had to hassle her about getting her homework done, because it was on her list right after "after school snack". She was so eager to get all those things marked off so she could have free time that I almost felt like I was cheating. It was just too easy when she could read the next thing on her list and just do it. Not only that, but while she was working on her list, I could be working on things around the house (supper prep or putting dishes away) while she was busy. Then I had time to sit and help her with homework or chores that were too difficult for her to do on her own.

I have been working on re~establishing routines for myself and Little Sprout, and it has been working quite well. Getting her fed and down for her nap at the same time every day is so helpful to me, since then I am guaranteed a little bit of a nap. When I know I am guaranteed a nap, I don't feel like I have to conserve my energy by sitting on my butt all day. I know that I can get the dishes done or a load of laundry (or whatever) and will still get a chance to lay down and recharge before heading off to work that night.

So I guess that is it: My New (School) Year's Resolution. I will just re~establish the things I USED to do.

Wish me luck....

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