And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~ Kahlil Gibran

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A New Freezer and Other Odds and Ends

Today, while I was at work, Mr. Barefoot and my Dad went and picked up a HUGE chest freezer that Mr. Barefoot found on Craigslist. FOR FREE!!! The thing has (I think) around 24 cubic feet of space for us to fill. I mean, wow! The thing is HUGE! I can't wait to fill it up with glorious food.


The kids played outside today for quite a while....Mr. Barefoot said around 2 hours. Little Sprout totally trashed her pants, playing in the melting snow. I don't care, she was having a blast!

I went in the house to get supper started. Pretty soon Big Sprout brought Little Sprout in the house, and Little Sprout was crying. Evidently her soaking wet clothes and the dropping evening temps combined to make her skin start to chap a bit. Not to mention that she was frozen through. I stuck her in a warm bath for about 30 minutes while I warmed her jammies on the heat vent in the bathroom. She was so happy to get into those warm pj's! After a quick meal of tuna hotdish, she was ready for bed, and went without a whimper.

I wish she would do that for nap-time.


My sewing box finally broke today. The lid has been hanging on by the proverbial thread for a couple months, now, and it finally just gave up the fight today. I am strangely saddened by this. It was a gift from my parents many years ago (how sad that I am old enough to say that now), and I have gotten rather attached to it. I wanted to patch it, but Mr. Barefoot says we should just get a new one. Could a new one be as special as this? I dunno. I think, even if I do end up getting a new one, I might patch this one up and continue to use it. It isn't like I don't have enough projects going at one time to use more than one basket.


My life is boring right now folks.....sorry 'bout that. Hopefully soon I will have something a little more engaging to talk about....

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