And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~ Kahlil Gibran

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Daily Life

Pretty much I have just been going on with the normal daily stuff lately. Little Sprout is learning new things every day, and fights the naps that I desperately want her to take. Big Sprout has decided that the world is against her since her sleepover was cancelled this past weekend. I work, I try to sleep, I growl at people. Mr. Barefoot has been trying to keep the house clean to give me a break from all of it, and I think he is now discovering why I have been so frustrated. Haha, sucks to be him.

I lay awake when I should be sleeping and think about all the things I would like to post about, but when I am awake I just can't seem to think of anything to say.

I did crack out the sewing machine, and I finished two projects yesterday. I am actually proud of myself, since the last time I really sewed was.....well, I never really have. I think I might have made a pair of shorts once, but that is about it. I am really kind of liking it. I am hoping to get good enough with the sewing machine that I can make clothes for myself that actually fit well. I have an odd shaped body for a female, so it has always been hard to find clothes that don't pull or sag where they shouldn't.

I also have several crochet projects in the works. I have set aside the cross-stitch for a bit, but am starting to feel like getting back into it soon. I also have several beading projects floating around in my head that are just in the planning stages right now.

Something must be going on with my horoscope, because over the last month or so I have had several suggestions from people on career changes I should make. I am pleased that people seem to think I have so many diverse talents, but am unsure if I should really attempt any of these things. I don't really like the way my life is starting to revolve around the almighty $$. Cold hard cash has never been that important to me, except as a means to an end. Lately I feel like I have been spending entirely too much time worrying about it and trying to figure out how to acquire more. I don't want my life to be like that. I know that right now I need to focus on getting our debt payed off so that I can go back to not worrying about the $$ issue, but it seems like I am losing some of the enjoyment in my life now.

So that is about it for now. Hopefully Little Sprout will sleep soon so I can nap.

1 comment:

Kati said...

Ooooh, I hope you'll share pictures of your completed sewing projects with us!!!! I always enjoy seeing what other creative people complete.

Glad you're feeling better, and I hope that Little Sprout gives you a break every now & again to catch your breath. *grin*