And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~ Kahlil Gibran

Saturday, April 07, 2007

I'm Baaaack!

I have recovered (hopefully) from my lapse into hibernation. It seems that the last few months have been a never-ending round of chores, work, and useless running in circles. Now, with the worst of the running over (again, hopefully) and another growing season on the way, I am feeling as if I have just woken from a long winter nap. I am busy with plans for the garden this year. Building cold frames is on the list of things to do this week, thanks to a huge pile of wood I salvaged from a home repair project my parents did earlier this year. An arbor is to be built, a wet area fixed, the front path redone, seeds started, flowers planted, trellises built, strawberries and onions to be transplanted....the list goes on.
My DH has finally bought me my hearts desire! After several years of asking at every gift giving holiday, I have FINALLY been presented with a pressure canner. Normally I prefer the flavor of frozen vegetables and fruits, but I only have so much freezer space. Living in an apartment negates the possibility of a root cellar, so this will be very nice. I am so excited!

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